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Used Mobility aids

Here is where you'll find listing of items others are giving away or selling at low prices.

(1) Please use caution when dealing with others and remember the use of this service is at your own risk. All efforts will be made to screen ads for appropriateness before they are placed on this website. However will in no way be held responsible for any loss, injury, or death as a result of equipment bought or found on its webpage.

(2)You agree not to resell any equipment obtained from this site. Profit from items found here is strictly prohibited and anyone found profiting will be banned from use of this site.

If you have used equipment that you would like to get rid of please email your information to the address below.

Information to include:
1. type of item (ex. wheelchair, walker)
2. Overall condition (excellent, good, fair, or poor)
3. Age of item
4. Color
5. Is it free or are you selling? (please state asking price)
6. Will you deliver or will it be pick up only?
7. If you are willing to Deliver what areas or distances will you deliver to?
8. E-mail address
9. Phone Number
10. City/State reserves the right to deny any ad for any purpose it sees fit.